Empowering Nepali Persons With Disabilities
through vocational training, employment, housing, and education since 2009

Build a better world with each rug you make. Support the transformative work of Karuna. Team up with our artisans with disabilities and make rugs at Karuna to support this initiative. At Karuna Facility, we strive to be a model for inclusivity, accessibility, and empowerment by applying key principles of universal design and accessibility in our workplaces and primarily hiring persons with disabilities. With a universally accessible weaving facility and a solid production team, all you need is ‘Karuna’ (compassion) to make change.
“Employment, housing, and education are the foundations of financial independence. Skills are true wealth that cannot be taken away, offering economic empowerment and lasting dignity.”
– Sangita Pant, Founder and Director

Our Products
At EPSA, we produce a range of eco-friendly handicrafts items. We take orders from all over the world. Our handmade products are durable and made with high quality materials.
— Felted Products
— Knitted Products
— Recycled Fabric Handbags
— Tailored Fabric Products
— Tibetean Wool, Cotton and Silk Carpets
Newsletter 2022
EPSA -Newsletter October, 2022 Namaste dear EPSA Friends, Now that...
Read Moreप्रकाशित: फाल्गुन ७, २०७२ By Kantipur daily Newspaper !!
साहसी संगीता: अपाङ्गताले जागिर गयो, अहिले सयौंलाई रोजगार बनाइन्...
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