Deepa Thapa Magar

Dipa Magar, a bright 9-year-old girl, hails from the Ghorka District. Her life took a devastating turn almost five years ago when her father died from a fatal heart attack during the catastrophic earthquake of 2015, which also destroyed their home. Tragedy struck again when her mother fell from a tree, resulting in a severe spinal injury. Unable to regain strength in her legs, Dipa’s mother is currently undergoing long-term rehabilitation in Kathmandu, leaving no one to care for Dipa.
Due to her mother’s accident, Dipa had to leave school while she was in grade 2. With her mother’s recovery still a long way off, Dipa has been deprived of an education. Recognizing her dire situation, EPSA Nepal took Dipa into their home, ensuring she has a safe place to stay and continue her studies. With the help of friends and the EON organization, Dipa is now able to attend school. However, to secure her future education, EPSA Nepal is seeking a long-term sponsor to provide a scholarship for Dipa. Your generous support is greatly appreciated as it helps Dipa continue her education and build a brighter future.